

우리 모두 웃어봐요! 우리들의 이야기로.

Comment ' 10

  • 작성자
    Lv.99 노랑병아리
    13.01.10 20:54
    No. 1

    으...없낭 ㅠ.ㅠ

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.13 사생
    13.01.10 21:04
    No. 2

    단문이기도 하니, 번역사이트에 올리시는 편이 더 수월하리라 봅니다.
    출판/번역일을 구하는 사이트(지금은 기억이 안 납니다만, 제가 안 들어간지 너무 오래되서;;)에 가보시면, 이렇게 간단하고, 단문식의 번역은 부탁하시면 대부분 들어주십니다.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Personacon 구름돌멩이
    13.01.10 21:33
    No. 3

    뭔가 토익 스피킹 1파트 같은 느낌이 나는 글이네요..

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Personacon 히나(NEW)
    13.01.10 22:36
    No. 4

    지나가기 님이 등장하셔야 할 타이밍이닷

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 01:57
    No. 5

    전주 국제 영화제 is held every year from April to May at 전주시 영화의 거리. It introduces new alternative films to the audience which is different from previous mainstream films.It also screens and aids digital films.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 02:01
    No. 6

    You can visit with your friend and if you have a girlfriend it will be a good place to visit with her.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 02:11
    No. 7

    If you come you will have have a chance to see famous celebrities up close. Inside the theater you can enjoy the films and outside you can enjoy the performance of famous singers while near the site of the 영화제 are many famous restuarants. So you wo'nt be coming to watch just a few films- it will be a huge festival where you can enjoy performances, films, food etc. all at once.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 02:20
    No. 8

    Information about the film festival is provided by an application called JIFF which has been provided by the 전주 film festival. Through it you can learn about films that are to be screened, events, location of the theater and can also watch the trailer of the films.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 02:28
    No. 9

    This year it will be held on 15th of april(which is Thursday) to 3rd of May( Friday) and I hope my presentation will be helpful to you in enjoying the 전주 film festival.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 침묵의계절
    13.01.11 02:30
    No. 10

    영어를 오랜만에 사용해서 제대로 한건지 모르겠내요ㅠㅠ

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

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