

우리 모두 웃어봐요! 우리들의 이야기로.

Comment ' 8

  • 작성자
    Lv.1 하오문도
    05.02.19 17:04
    No. 1

    Well I stepped into an avalanche,
    it covered up my soul;
    when I am not this hunchback that you see,
    I sleep beneath the golden hill.
    You who wish to conquer pain,
    you must learn, learn to serve me well.
    You strike my side by accident
    as you go down for your gold.
    The cripple here that you clothe and feed
    is neither starved nor cold;
    he does not ask for your company,
    not at the centre, the centre of the world.

    When I am on a pedestal,
    you did not raise me there.
    Your laws do not compel me
    to kneel grotesque and bare.
    I myself am the pedestal
    for this ugly hump at which you stare.

    You who wish to conquer pain,
    you must learn what makes me kind;
    the crumbs of love that you offer me,
    they're the crumbs I've left behind.
    Your pain is no credential here,
    it's just the shadow, shadow of my wound.

    I have begun to long for you,
    I who have no greed;
    I have begun to ask for you,
    I who have no need.
    You say you've gone away from me,
    but I can feel you when you breathe.

    Do not dress in those rags for me,
    I know you are not poor;
    you don't love me quite so fiercely now
    when you know that you are not sure,
    it is your turn, beloved,
    it is your flesh that I wear.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.1 眞夜
    05.02.19 17:06
    No. 2

    역시 최고 정보조직문

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.1 하오문도
    05.02.19 17:10
    No. 3


    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    05.02.19 17:17
    No. 4

    억! 여,, 영어다,,
    저리 많은 영어를 보고 있노라니,, 실명이,,[푸우욱!]

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0 삭제

  • 작성자
    Lv.6 持永
    05.02.19 19:41
    No. 5

    와; 그렇군요! 역시 하오문인 것인가.....;
    문주님은 언제 출두하세요;?
    혹시 금강님이 겸직하시는 것인가;;;;;;

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.14 취검取劒
    05.02.19 19:55
    No. 6

    이거 불법입니다.-_-;;;

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.6 持永
    05.02.19 20:04
    No. 7

    아;; 가사도 저작권걸려있죠;;
    (그런데 벅스는 왜 아직도 가사보기 지원을-_-a)

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.7 퀘스트
    05.02.20 20:48
    No. 8


    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

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