

우리 모두 웃어봐요! 우리들의 이야기로.

Personacon 세르니티
12.01.31 17:56

음음.. 이메일을 점검하다가 문득 이런 메일이 왔길래

오오, 광고메일이 아니고서 영어로 된 이메일은 처음받아봐, 라고 들뜨면서 해석하고 답장을 보냈었는데 밑에 답장이 또 온걸 보고 이건 뭔가 아닌가 싶어서 구글에 검색해보니 여러가지 버전이 있었네요..

God bless you as you get back to me,

I am Auslar   Raymond, 22 years old , It was people that plotted the death of my father,he revealed this to me before his death and my mother was a late since when i was a baby while am the only child of my parent.

I really need your assistant on relocation and transfering of my inheritance to you, So that i can come over to you , continue my education ,set up an investment & be living peacefully. The amount is United States Dollar Four Million Two Hundred Thousand.

If ready to assist from this trouble  Get back to me for more details of my intention to be explained.

Best Regard,

Auslar  Raymond.

Dear lovely one

Thanks so much for responding to me  , I so much appreciate you in taking your special and valuable time to read my message and reply me ,God bless and I will be very grateful if you help me out of this my horrible and terrible situation successfully.

Below are exactly what i want you to do for me

I will like you to provide an account in which this my inherited money can be transfered into.

I will like you to look for a good house,infact mansion which i will buy in your country and be living there, by the time i will be there.

I will like you to facilitate me a paper or process that will enhance me your country visa ,so that after the transfer has been done ,and you had confirmed the money in the account that you will be given,i can be able to come to you over there immediately.

Arriving to your country you will be my guardian and as well assist me invest my money ,then be managing the business for me pending when i shall finish my university education ,which you shall help me secure the admission immediately i enter your country.

Let me know how much/percentage you will like to take from my inheritance as a compensation to you for helping me ?

If you can help me ,to make availability of the above assistant then i will be very grateful .

For you to know that i do not mean any harm or implication ,the account details needed is not compulsorily your personal savings account or your business account ,to keep your mind at absolute rest you can quickly open an account in a good and reputable bank in your country and get the informations send to me without errors or if you got an empty account send it to me.

Moreso,i will like to tell you that this is 100% risk free,absolutely genuine and completely legal.

Thanks so much for the love and care that you have for an orphan like me.

Waiting for your response ,

Best Regards

Auslar Raymond

p.s 하긴 이메일 내용만 보자면 저런 사람이 어떻게 제 이메일을 알아냈을까요.. 잠시나마 설레였던 저는 ㅠㅠ

p.s 2 근데 저거 제대로 해석 하면 빈 계좌 보내달라는건가요 뭔가요?

Comment ' 3

  • 작성자
    Personacon 무명선생
    12.01.31 18:03
    No. 1

    님의 계좌에 있는 돈을 노리는 사기 이메일입니다. 알고 보낸 것이 아니라 무차별적으로 살포하는 것이지요. 주로 나이로비에 근거지를 둔 사기꾼들이 조직적으로 벌이는 짓입니다.

    비슷한 예로는 국제적인 과학 후원기관으로 연구비 지원을 해준다고 교수들의 이메일에 쭉 뿌리는 것이 있습니다. 역시 착수비 받고 잠적하죠.

    다 사 기 꾼 입 니 다.

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.14 Dainz
    12.01.31 20:27
    No. 2

    Auslar Raymond 라... 이름이 사기꾼이름이다

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

  • 작성자
    Lv.1 솔잎비
    12.01.31 20:37
    No. 3

    영어 사기 메일ㅋㅋ
    옛날에 펜팔?친구 만들겠다고 해외 펜팔사이트에
    이메일주소 올려 놨다가 비슷한 멜을 받은적이;;;

    찬성: 0 | 반대: 0

0 / 3000

강호정담 게시판
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
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186124 안녕하세요, 정담지기입니다. +1 Personacon 정담지기 12.01.27 983

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